A great way to turn a regular evening into some bingo fun

Bingo is a great way to have fun for the elderlyWell hello everyone and hope you have all been well. Now that the winter is easing out and we are getting little glimpses of sun, the mood is generally much lighter and it’s easier to get around – by foot or driving. So I thought, let’s dedicate a post to an activity that will help keep not just you, but your friends and loved ones entertained as well. Let’s get ourselves a little bingo party going!
But don’t be inpatient, first things first.

This is a very logical question. Well depending on who is coming this can be anything from your own living room to the local pub or even a specially hired hall. If the weather is good, it is great to have a game going outside. Just make sure there are enough seats for everyone and a bathroom nearby. You should arrange for hats and sunscreen for all guests as well, you never know whose skin is more sensitive to the sun and at our age…well…you know the drill. Keep in mind the sound as well – it might be adorable to have some kids and pets running around but if it means you won’t hear your numbers being shouted it’s not really going to work out.

Who is coming?
Who can play? Everyone of course! Invite everyone you can think of, that’s the beauty of the game – providing they know the numbers (in English, unless you are about to host some international bingo session, in which case – do let me know how it goes!) and they are polite and fitting your friends’ circle. All jokes aside, the more people – the better.

Drinks & Food
This is very specific to your audience and what you can get your hands on in terms of accessibility and budget. To make life simpler, just stick to some more traditional things, I quite like the good old BBC recipes site, you can find anything you want there for any taste and season. Just make sure it’s not too much or too little and best avoid hard drinks – we always have that one friend (…or friend of a friend) who doesn’t know their limits…and you don’t want to end the evening with accidents so don’t tempt fate and stick to soft drinks.

What to wear?
Ah, this can be fun! You can of course have a free dress code but I do suggest making the event that little bit more special and adding some fancy touch to it – pick a colour – “Blue evening”, “All in White” or a time period – 40s, 60s or if you’re more daring – 80s and 90s even (what? I was old back then as well, who cares!). Or maybe even a movie theme – let your imagination fly, it will sure result in lively talks and hilarious moments.

Well that’s all for now, do give this idea of mine a go and let me know of the outcome! I’d love to hear from you and hope you really have a great time preparing and playing your favourite game! Hope you enjoyed this post as always and come back soon for more!

This entry was posted in Bingo.